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Beautiful towns, FREE live music festivalPeter Gabriel’s <a href="http://womad.com.es/" target="_blank">WOMAD</a> and Multilinkual spirit match so good, let’s go there again!!!!
Besides, it’s the perfect ocasion to discover <a href="http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/384" target="_blank">CÁCERES</a>, the beautiful Extremadura town (West Spain, near Portugal) listed by UNESCO as world Heritage.

And monumental <a href="https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trujillo_(España)" target="_blank">TRUJILLO</a>, birthplace of great Spanish conquistadors such as Francisco Pizarro (conqueror of the kingdom of the Incas), Alonso de Monroy (Chile's conquistador), Francisco de Orellana (explorer of the Amazonas) or Hernando de Alarcón (who explored the coasts of California)

WOMAD 2016 and its FREE CONCERTS are again in the gorgeus squares of the old town.

1.- Our bus will be leaving on <b>Saturday, May the 13th from Plaza Colón</b>, beside Hard Rock Cafe (metro Serrano or Colón) at <b>9:30am</b>
2.- Stop in Trujillo to have lunch and visit the town.
3.- At around 5pm we’ll be in Cáceres to visit the town and enjoy Womad festival.
4.- The bus will be leaving on <b>Sunday 14th at 2:30am</b> (all hotels in Cáceres are sold out because of the festival).

<b>25€</b> until Sunday 7 May
<b>35€</b> onwards
(back trip, ida y vuelta Madrid-Trujillo-Cáceres-Madrid). To book=to pay: I’ll be on Tuesday and Fridays at El Parnasillo del Príncipe (Príncipe 33) and Thursdays and Sundays at Beer Station (cuesta de Santo Domingo 22).

[When our bus is sold out, you can go by <a href="http://www.avanzabus.com/web/" target="_blan">line bus</a> to Cáceres and meet us there (45,44€ Normal, 51€ Express), or by <a href="http://www.renfe.com/" target="_blank">train</a> (57€ Normal, around 160€ TrenHotel with bed)]
Venue:Bus at Hard Rock Cafe
Address:Plaza Colón
Town:Madrid, Spain
When: Saturday | May 13, 2017 | 09:30am
Till: Sunday | May 14, 2017 | 02:30am
Posted by:David Poza
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